Visit the Harvard WorldMUN Conference 2003 in Heidelberg!
WorldMUN Heidelberg e.V.  

n a v i g a t i o n


team 2002

dates 2002

sponsors 2002





Harvard WorldMUN-Site

University of Heidelberg

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We're back

from the Harvard World ModelUN in Belo Horizonte 2002. We had a inspiring time, shared valuable ideas and, finally, took part in a great experience!

Belo Horizonte Delegation 2002

As usual, the Heidelberg Delegation performed successfully at the 2002 Conference. Congratulations to Conny (Security Council), Maxi (EPSC), and Lutz (European Council) for each achieving a Honorable Delegate Award!

Ouro Minas Hotel, Belo HorizonteSubstantial reports on the committee work at the 2002 Conference are accessible through the links below. However, the final sentence from one of the reports is in a sense representative for all:

"Für Ihre Unterstützung sind wir Ihnen alle sehr dankbar und ich bin glücklich darüber Ihnen anstatt eines mühsam gestotterten Berichts eine Bilanz der akademischen und persönlichen Bereicherung präsentieren zu können. Nochmals vielen Dank."

"All of our team are very thankful for the magnificent support that has been offered to us, and I am happy to be able to present you with a chronicle of personal and academic benefit rather than a tediously stuttered thank-you letter. Once again, thank you very much."

Of course, this applies especially to our sponsors!



the WorldMUN Heidelberg Team


Now available:

> Position Papers WorldMUN 2002

> Final Reports WorldMUN 2002