
Heidelberg National Archive > Heidelberg National 2016 > Committees

HNMUN 2016 Committees:
UN General Assembly 3rd (SOCHUM) - Forced Migration

Forced migration - a global answer to a global challenge

"Migrants are our brothers and sisters in search of a better life, far away from poverty, hunger, exploitation and the unjust distribution of the planet's resources which are meant to be equitably shared by all. Don't we all want a better, more decent and prosperous life to share with our loved ones?"
Message of his Holiness Pope Francis
for the World day of migrants and refugees 2016

The General Assembly Hall
A view of the General Assembly Hall (UN Photo/Cia Pak)

In the past years, forced migration has become in medial broadcasting worldwide: Boat people who died before reaching Lampedusa, the flows of immigrants from Syria who arrive in Turkey and Greece. Around 60 million people worldwide (in the year 2014) are victims of forced migration - with an increasing tendency. Despite the perception of the refugee crisis in Europe, 9 out of 10 refugees live in developing countries where they face precarious living conditions social marginalisation.

At the moment the international media coverage focuses on Asylum seekers in the EU, one has to consider that 38 Million refugees are defined as internally displaced People (IDP). There are various causes for their displacement: natural disasters, forced displacement by governments etc. On an international scale, little is done for these IDPs who often are accommodated in provisory camps with no access to clean water.

In addition, a major future issue will be, that through the rising sea levels and following the threat for a lot of megacities close to shores, and the desertification of vast areas, the number of forced will continue to rise tremendously. As soon as people have to cross borders, this topic becomes highly relevant on the international agenda.

SOCHUM at their Heidelberg National MUN session should discuss mechanisms to support countries who are affected by internal migratory streams. Furthermore solutions for an international allocation of refugees residing in developing countries should be discussed. In order to find long-term solutions, SOCHUM should deal with legal, economical and human rights issues, to elaborate ways to reduce causes and consequences of global forced migration.


The Study Guide for the GA-SOCHUM is now online. For general preparation, take a look at other relevant material here .


Meet your chairs: Jeremy Schmidt and Lukas von Brasch

Hi everyone!

My name is Jeremy, 20 years old and studying medicine in the wonderful city of Heidelberg! It is a great honour for me to serve as one of your chairs in SOCHUM at Heidelberg National MUN 2016. In the past, I participated in a total of eight MUN conferences, headlined by WorldMUN 2015 in Seoul, which surely was one of the greatest experiences in my life so far.

I believe MUN is the perfect opportunity, of combing political interest with the skills of debating and negotiating. And all that in a frame of lots of students from other subjects, cities or even countries, which bear potential for lots of fun and contact even apart from the conference itself. I'm highly motivated to create a great working, enjoyable and surely unforgettable committee with all of you!

Hope to see you soon!



Hey MUNthusiasts,

I'm Lukas, a 21 years old Law Student and one of your chairs in SOCHUM at Heidelberg National MUN in 2016. I am honoured to share this experience in Heidelberg with you and discuss a topic of such an international importance together in committee. I have attended several national MUN conferences and had the chance to be a delegate at WorldMUN 2015 in Seoul - a MUN conference that I will never forget.

MUN has helped me to understand better the functioning and the obstacles to international organizations and international politics. Moreover, it is such a fun time to discuss in the caucuses and meet new people. So, I am looking forward to have a great working and enriching committee with you!
