
Heidelberg National Archive > Heidelberg National 2015 > Committees

HNMUN 2015 Committees: Security Council - Containing ISIL

Security Council Imposes Sanctions on ISIL and ANF Associates
SC Imposes Sanctions on ISIL and ANF Associates
/ UN Photo/Devra Berkowitz

“The words spoken here today must be matched and translated
into action, into deeds -- concrete action, within nations
and between them, not just in the days ahead,
but for years to come. For if there was ever a challenge
in our interconnected world that cannot be met by any one nation alone,
it is this: terrorists crossing borders and threatening to unleash unspeakable violence.”

U.S. president Barack Obama at the U.N. Security Council, September 2014


The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) has appeared suddenly on the stage of international security issues. While an Islamic State has already been declared in October 2006, it was not until mid-2014 that the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant declared a caliphate after claiming several provinces in Syria and Iraq.

Covering an area roughly the size of Great Britain, ISIL has about 40,000 militant fighters, and an estimate cash and asset value of 2 billion USD, with a daily revenue of 3 million USD. The international community has been shocked by severe human rights violations including public decapitation of Western journalists and aid workers. Air support has been deployed to support the neighbouring countries in their fight against ISIL, resolutions have been passed to ban foreign fighters from joining ISIL, and countless speeches have been giving about the world’s responsibility to stop this terror regime. The only thing missing are any measurable results.

International efforts against ISIL have been led by major Western powers, particularly the United States, France, and the United Kingdom. However, these countries were also the powers who have been involved in the area for decades now, the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq are just the two latest examples. The justification for their political and military efforts has been and still is the goal of stabilizing the region. Critics argue, however, that this involvement has always been the cause of the overall dysfunctional situation in the area, creating the conditions in which it was first possible for ISIL to establish itself.

The Security Council at their Heidelberg National MUN summit will have to seek for solutions and new ways to put an effective stop to ISIL in the short term while keeping in mind the stability of the middle and near east in a long term perspective. Delegates in this committee will also be confronted with certain live developments during the course of the conference.

UN Security Council Member States 2015:

People's Republic of China
Republic of Angola
Republic of France
Republic of Chad
New Zealand
Russian Federation
Republic of Chile
Federal Republic of Nigeria
United Kingdom
Kingdom of Jordan
Kingdom of Spain

United States of America

Republic of Lithuania

Republic of Venezuela

For preparation of the Security Council topic, take a look at our suggested Preparation Opportunities. Due to the actuality of the subject, it is suggested that you follow the news on the issues at hand closely. A Study Guide outlining possible further points of discussion is now online. To capture the most recent events, please note the SC Study Guide Update .


Meet your chair: Julia Hein

Julia Hein

Julia studied Economics in Heidelberg (Germany) and Bergen (Norway), then worked at the Federal Court of Australia in Sydney, and the Cambodian Center for Human Rights in Phnom Penh, and now studies Public Policy at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. She won diplomacy awards both at the Harvard World Model United Nations Conferences in Singapore (2011) and Brussels (2014).

"I look forward to to a heated discussion about this very current and pressing topic, and of course to an amazing conference and a great time together in- and outside of the committee!"


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